Blimps is a very Simple yet very useful app for All Android users and Like me this app prooves to be very useful when you are doing something else with your phone while talking on it. like : SMS, chat, Mails etc. And if you wanted to do something else you always have to send the dialer to the background results in loosing the control of call options like mute, speaker, hangup etc.
Previously whenever i want to use my dialer options i need to stop what i was doing by – Pulling down the notification bar -> pressing the dialer -> use it – Takes long time.
well… Now you need not to do this ANYMORE.
With Blimps the dialer features floats (and movable) on top of your screen and you can do whatever whenever while talking with someone. For now Blimps has Two floating features which are Speaker & Hangup button.
Features :
– Compatible with Android 4.0+
– Floating End cal & Loud Speaker Buttons (more to come)
– dynamic positioning on screen
– proximity enable/disable to prevent clicking mistakes
– older phones with 4.0+ and LESS than 1GB ram might have resources issues
As you all know Android has many OS UIs (Touchwiz, LG UI etc.) so it hasn’t been tested on every one of them.
So you can help the Developer check Blimps on different UIs.
I’ll appreciate your feedback.
Download Blimps App From Playstore (Free) Here