Home » Turn Your Smartphone into Portable Black Light – DIY Guide

Turn Your Smartphone into Portable Black Light – DIY Guide

by Ravi Singh
0 comments 1 minutes read

Hey Guys, Welcome to the New How to Guide from Techposts and today in this How-to guide we are going to show you how to turn your smartphone into a portable Black light. A black light is a dark purple looking light which emits the ultraviolet (UV) range of the spectrum, which is also, invisible to the human eye. Under a UV light, white clothes and fluorescent colors glow in the dark and emit a bright glow.

Creating Portable DIY Black Light with Smartphone:

Things we need before start:

  • Transparent tape (3/4 inches width is enough)
  • A blue marker
  • A purple marker
  • A highlighter (Any fluorescent colored)
  • A white piece of paper
  • And of-course, a smartphone with flash
Things we need to make portable Black light with Smartphone

Things we need to make portable Black light with Smartphone

A highlighter and a White paper sheet

A highlighter and a White paper sheet

Now that we have the required things, we can just go ahead and start making portable DIY Black Light:

  • Get a piece of transparent tape and place over the flash of your device and paint over the flash with “Blue” marker. Make sure you don’t get any on your phone.
  • Repeat the first step and again paste another piece of transparent tape over the flash and paint using Blue marker.
  • Next, place third piece of transparent tape on the flash just above the two pieces of tape we pasted. And this time paint over the flash with purple marker. So basically, that’s two blue and one purple over your LED or flash.
  • Now you’re done, so you can just check it out by turning on the flash.
  • Next, Use the sheet of white paper and draw or write anything you want on it using the Highlighter. For eg. a smiley :) or anything you want.

    Draw anything or write with Highlighter

    Draw anything or write with Highlighter

  • Now go to a dark place or simply switch of all the lights to see the magic. Turn on the flash, point the light to the sheet and you will be able to see the drawing or writing, glowing in the dark.
SMiley glowing in the Black light - Smartphone Black light

SMiley glowing in the Black light – Smartphone Black light

Watch following Video for more:

So that was it guys in this DIY, how to turn your smartphone into a portable black light. Hope you enjoyed this guide. Please don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter below. And if you enjoyed this DIY HowTo guide then please let us know via comments below. Share your opinions. Thanks!!

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